Friday 23 August 2013

Time to sew?

Finding time for sewing is always a challenge, it feels a little selfish but having just taken a week off work I can fully justify all my me time, this time at least ;-)  Three new dresses, a marble bag and 3 cushion covers later it was a least productive week.  

Like many people I have been thinking about my winter wardrobe.  Having looked at its contents I decided that I needed more dresses.  Can I ever have enough?

With this in mind I've completed my 3rd Simplicity 2444 in a dark blue lawn not a winter weight fabric I know but I work in a hot office were overheating even in winter can be an issue. 

This time I made the dress with long sleeves and finally managed to crack the baggy neckline first time. Yay!  

How?  I cut the shoulders in a size smaller to the rest of the bodice meaning that the shoulders sit more comfortably.  I also deepened the neck line a little result a better fit on the shoulders and not to tight across the neck :-)
Overall the result is a better fit 

Wednesday 21 August 2013

why blog?

For a while now I've been thinking about starting a blog to log my creations, some good, some not so good ;-) but all uniquely mine! So here goes ....

Having read a great many blogs I know there are some fantastic sewists out there I don't count myself amongst them but I am extraordinarily proud of some of my work and am usually able to produce something wearable.

I learnt to sew as a child from my Mum but have only recently taken up sewing again having dabbled a little over the years.  Making curtains, cushion covers and odd pieces of clothing.

Recently I have been creating a new wardrobe for myself full of mainly dresses as a way of reflecting my own personal style at more affordable price and fulfilling an inner need to create to combat the stresses of life.  Giving me the chance to escape into my personal sewing bubble where the biggest worry is getting the tension right on my machine.

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Simplicity 2444